All posts by Nathan Green

Custom software partner or off-the-shelf provider? Understand what’s right for you

Custom software running on a laptop with the code on a screen in the background
When completing any software project, overcoming potential pitfalls is key to achieving what you want. Get this right and you could experience significant benefits. Get it wrong and you could suffer a costly muddle. So, how do you establish the right way to bring your software vision to life? This article should help you answer [...]
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How a 15-year software development partnership enabled IIRSM’s growth

A diagram showing the various aspects of Risk Management
“You don’t just want technical knowledge from your IT provider, you want people who truly understand your business and challenge your thinking. You want a partnership.” That’s according to Damodar Acharya, Director of Finance and Operations at IIRSM. Established in 1975, the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM) is a non-profit organisation. Run [...]
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Operational or capital expenditure: how do you account for your software?

A person pointing at charts on a laptop screen
Accounting for software costs is not straight forward. We’ve learnt that from working closely with clients. Apparently, your decision can impact operating margin – the profitability ratio every business wants to increase. Plus, there’s support like R&D tax credits to consider. We’re software developers, not accountants. So, this isn’t an article with answers. Instead, our [...]
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Will website accessibility become the next Google ranking shake-up?

Person tapping an Accessibility icon on their smartphone
In April 2015, Google confirmed “mobile-friendliness” would become a new ranking factor in its algorithm. “Mobile-first” rolled out during 2017. Overnight, businesses saw their website rankings change. Some dropped off search results entirely. Suddenly, every business wanted a mobile-friendly website. On the back of this cautionary tale, Google is now monitoring the accessibility of every [...]
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Cyber Essentials certification – our first-hand experience (and how it helps)

Picture of a padlock
According to the UK government, 39% of businesses reported a cybersecurity breach in 2021. 21% lost money, data, or other assets. With ever-increasing dependence on technology, this critical business security risk is set to grow. Without doubt, the recent pandemic accelerated the risk. As businesses rushed to work from the kitchen table, weaknesses appeared in [...]
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How bespoke software transformed LSG (despite the pandemic)

Closed and empty restaurant during the Covid-19 pandemic
As Covid took hold hospitality ground to a halt. So, Simon furloughed his entire team. Could they even come back from this devastation? This story tells how LSG Purchasing evolved its operating systems from notepad and phone to a highly automated bespoke software system – even when Covid threatened their existence. Supporting 8,000 hospitality venues. [...]
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Our new website and rebrand story

Hands holding a mobile phone and looking at the Redox Software home page
You can be too busy supporting clients to notice your own business image is past its sell by date. Your website can become out of step with your business growth leaving your value unclear. Plus, your branding can look dated and drained. That’s where Redox was earlier this year. As the business grew, our online [...]
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Why Agile software development gives you more for less

A person writing on and laying out sticky notes on a large sheet of paper on a desk
Picture the scene: you’re running a highly complex IT project. You’ve invested hours helping your developers determine the scope (and agree a price), but your true requirements remain unclear. As the defined project moves on, your IT needs evolve. Yet, you’re stuck with a rigidly specified piece of work. It can’t change. And before long, [...]
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What makes a successful website in 2022?

Designers sitting at a desktop PC looking over logo designs
Whilst all businesses enthusiastically create new websites, many fall short of their goals. So, how do you create a successful website in 2022? One that stands out and delivers. We look at what’s important and the pitfalls to avoid. You have seconds. These days our attention spans are alarmingly low. With intense competition for our [...]
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Is GDPR still valid after Brexit?

A combination padlock in front of the European flag
The General Data Protection Regulation received a huge amount of attention when it came in on 25th May 2018. It also caused much last-minute confusion. Applicable to all businesses throughout the European Union, UK companies had to comply. Fast forward to 2022… The Brexit transition period ended in 2020 and we’re no longer an EU [...]
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