
This statement sets out Redox Software Ltd’s commitment to prevent any acts of modern slavery and human trafficking relating to its business and its supply chains.

Organisational Structure

We are a UK-based business providing custom-built software applications and IT consultancy to companies operating within the UK.  We employ temporary staff from other agencies when required.


We provide long-term services to clients and on occasion rely on the provision of temporary staff to support larger projects.  Responsibilities for Redox’s anti-slavery initiatives are as follows:

  1. Zero tolerance to slavery and human trafficking. We expect all those in our supply chain, clients, and contractors to comply with our values.
  2. All employees are responsible for compliance within their respective areas of work, including all external relationships.
  3. We encourage all employees to report any wrongdoing at work, or any criminal acts.

Additionally, we have other policies and processes in place which makes it clear to all employees the actions and behaviour expected of them when working and representing our company. We strive to maintain the highest standards of employee conduct and ethical behaviour.

Human Rights

In accordance with the Human Rights Act 1988, Article 4, which highlights the relationship between Human Rights and modern slavery; Human Rights due diligence is related to corporate good governance.  Therefore, Redox is committed to ensuring that its employees’ human rights are respected which include freedom of thought, religious beliefs, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and association, and encouraging a work environment free of discrimination.


Through periodic reviews and training on this Modern Slavery Statement, Redox will ensure continuing awareness around the above subjects, and provide its employees with the skills and knowledge needed to identify, manage, and report any ethical dilemmas encountered during their daily work.

This statement is made in accordance with Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the Human Rights Act (1998) for financial year ending 2024.